A Long Day of Struggled Knitting

How often I’ve seen Indian ladies move their hands so gracefully with their needles. When it came to my hands….Phew! Never imagined knitting could be this difficult! My yet-to-be-born neice inspired me to knit a sweater for her, just because it sounded an awesome personal gift for our first little one of the family. I am…

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Does ‘Soulmates’ Interest You?

They travel across the oceans of time to be with you again. They look different, but your heart knows them.                                    – From Only Love Is Real by Dr. Brian Weiss, M.D. (Psychiatrist)     Once I sat by my friend,   who works 12 hours a day, sleeps for 4 hours a day with 1 hour of deadlines-haunted…

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Buddha Purnima

It’s Buddha Purnima today! As I was going through articles on the celebration of this day, I thought of writing new facts that I came to know today about Siddhartha Gautama’s (Buddha’s birth name) life and on Buddha Purnima.   On the night Siddhartha was conceived, Queen Mayadevi (Buddha’s Mother) dreamt that a white elephant with six white tusks entered…

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The Sun Enters Twin Gemini!

  Sun transiting through Gemini gives me a fond rememberance of all the Geminis who have crossed my path. Truly, you guys are the main reason for life on this planet to be fun for the rest of us!!!         Gemini is the most lighthearted sign in the zodiac, hands down. The Twins’ circle of acquaintances is…

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Know Your Soul

“Man is a soul and has a body” “My  angel tells me to get in touch with your family. I need to incarnate on earth in a year as one of my soul mates is already there” “Nice to meet you. I remember spending time with you in a train journey 200 years before,  somewhere near central…

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Through Her Eyes

  The first time when her grandpa took her, she smiled so fondly looking at his face and everybody cried out “There she is, smiling at papa!”   Quite so often, newborns seem to gaze so intently at people’s faces. Did you ever know that in their first six months they don’t see what we see? Yes, they do not have…

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Happy Mother’s Day!

” I always knew that I was a perfect mother to my daughters, but I always wanted to know if I were a good daughter to my mom. For once, today, I heard her say  ‘If I were to be born again, I only wish you will be my daughter again”‘ Personally, I don’t have an inclination towards…

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5 Secret Tips to Lose Weight – Without Diets, Without Work-Outs

As a yoga teacher a common question I was always asked in the introduction class from the woman’s side was “Can I reduce my body weight by yoga?” Losing weight will definitely be in the top 5 topics for the century! How much we hear of painful work-outs, starving diets and expensive pills! Especially when your wedding date is near, when you have…

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Papa, I Love You!

He: “I cannot stop staring at him, he is so perfect. For the first time when my eyes met his,  scared? What an idiot I thought, I am the luckiest man alive”      One of my dear friends wrote these words while on an online chat. I know this guy, a one-month-old father, from the time…

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Back to School

It was a conversation over a dinner with my good old childhood friend about our school days, which has incited me to start this chapter on back to school.  “You know what, I wish I could have studied ‘electromagnetism’ more sincerely…..and also that part on ‘waves’!!!” “Why even, ‘relativity’ ….and that ‘thermodynamics’ …were over my head all the…

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