Published Work

Short Stories


Title: “An Ex Ordeal: A Short Story”

Format: Kindle Edition (eBook)

Publisher: Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing

Publication Date: 4 January 2019



Title: “An Untold Legacy”

Format: Paper Back

Published in: After the floods (An Anthology of Short Stories by The Chennai Bloggers Club)

Publisher: Sixth Sense Publications

Publication Date: 2016



Title: “Asha, My Inspiration”

Format: Online Magazine

Published in: Writer’s Ezine Magazine Volume XV (Pages 28-30)

Publication Date: June 2015 Issue


Social inequality – one of the many issues of our country I dream seeing reformed – was the theme of Asha, My Inspiration. It is a fiction about how a mother emotionally struggles within between letting and holding back her little boy from playing with an under-served child. Here’s the copy of the published story:


Title: Night Sky Between The Stars by Usha Kishore: Book Review

Published in: Tajmahal Review, an international journal devoted to arts, literature, poetry and culture

Publisher: Cyberwit Publications

Publication Date: December 2015 Issue

The original review was published in Nandhini’s Book Review Blog in April 2015.

Link to the original review

Contributions to Women’s Web, an online magazine for women

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#1 Sure-Fire Tips I Follow As A Work-At-Home Mom, To Remain Productive And Sane

Published on September 25, 2018 under ‘Stories from Mom’

#2 On This Day Of The Girl Child, Let’s Think Of What #MeToo Means To A Working Class Woman

Published on October 11, 2018 under ‘Social Causes ‘

#3 Why It Was So Hard To Answer My Little Boy’s Question, “Amma, Can A Boy Marry A Boy?”

Published on October 26, 2018 under ‘LGBTQ’

#4 This Millenial Indian Woman Has A Different Festival Mantra: No Sweating It Alone In The Kitchen

Published on November 5, 2018 under ‘Feminist’

#5 Baby Blues Marred My Son’s Birth As Everything Went Against What I Had Looked Forward To

Published on November 14, 2018 under ‘Stories from Mom’

#6 A Step by Step Guide To Finding A Work-at-Home Job That’s Right For You

Published on February 15, 2019 under ‘fitness & Wellness’

#7 4 Interesting Things That Can Help You Understand How Your Woman’s Body Works

Published on January 2, 2019 under ‘Careers’

Stories for Kids +Hand-Drawn Illustrations
Contributions to Momspresso, a Parenting website

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#1 The North Star: Story & Activities With Illustrations For Children (Ages 4 – 12)

Published on November 1, 2018 under ‘Kids – Activities’

#2 Mia & Grandpa go on a Boat Ride: Children’s Story (Ages 4 – 12)

Published on November 16, 2018 under ‘Kids – Activities’
#3 Sarah & her Dolphin mate, Merry: Children’s Story with Illustrations (Ages 4-8)
Published on November 30, 2018 under ‘Kids – Activities’


Title: “Secret Admirers”

Format: Kindle Edition

Published in: From Chennai, With Love: A Collection of Love Letters by the Chennai Bloggers Club

Publisher: Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing

Publication Date: 14 March 2016



Title: “A Lifetime Deal”

Published in: Gokulam Children’s Magazine

Publisher: Vikatan Publications

Publication Date: August 1999

After several failed attempts in getting published my letter to Uncle Pai in Tinkle, I resigned to try a short story for another children’s magazine. I had sent a hand-written copy of my story to the publication during the summer holidays following my last year of schooling. One day, after three months, I received a money order of Rs. 25 from the publication along with the copy of the magazine in which my story was printed. My bad luck, I lost the only evidence of my then only published story. After 15 years, I contacted the editor who with a kind heart had sent me the PDF version of the story. Here it is – the precious story which earned me Rs. 25 at the age of seventeen, though utterly, terribly funny 😀