When you feel the real care for children of all abilities, you will know what to do for them and how to raise your children to include them. It’s our choice, what we want to project to the children with special needs and what we want our children to know about their care. Let’s do what is right!
Category: Health
Ask me, My Boy, the Story of your Birth!
On bended knee, I awaited thee. I watched months flee; one, two three, Before the Lord could hear my plea. One day, through destiny’s interplay, I read somewhere, 4 almonds a day, Shall unlock a womb’s doorway. “What’s in an almond, to carry?” Ask me, my boy, if you want to see…
Beware of What you Breathe In at Home: A Warning Account from an Afflicted Mom
If you think your home air is clean, devoid of pollutants (as I did once upon a time), re-think with the check-list of indoor pollutants discussed in this post. When was the last time you serviced your gas stove? Are you sure your house is free of dust mites? Before you answer ‘yes’ do you even know that you cannot see a dust mite without a microscope? How often do you spot cockroaches in your house? How many wooden furniture decorate your home? Are your building walls prone to rainwater seepage? Do you have pets at home? Do pigeons love your window sills? Does anyone smoke cigarette in your house? How ventilated is your house? Are you aware of house plants that can reduce indoor pollution?
Keeping Home Air Healthy – A Visual Education for Children
It is important for children to learn about the several particles that can pollute the air in our homes. When they understand the harmful effects these pollutants cause, they may as well follow some good habits in order to reduce air contamination. Here is a short video that explains with the use of toys, a few major air pollutants, their health impacts and preventive measures, in a simple manner, for children to understand.
Finding Health in a Haystack!
Six months past the baby’s arrival, the ambition of waking up at five in the morning to practice Pranayama and yoga did spring up, as it did with the first. However, needless to mention, I could get nowhere near my ambition amidst the haystack of piled up chores. Yes, yes, yes, I have written all about it all through my blog, I know! So, let me quickly tell you the silly ‘work-outs’ I get to do with two kids around.
How to soothe a colic baby?
You are here probably because you are desperately looking out a way to soothe your colic baby. If you are at the verge of breaking out loud “Somebody tell me, how do I make my baby stop crying!” let me tell you three proven methods, at least one of which have always worked with my colicky girl.
Open air Gym in Bangalore
“What a fascinating idea!” was what I thought when for the first time I saw an open-air gym in Bangalore. The fact that it was only two buildings away from my home was even more delightful. However, after almost a year of its construction, I am disappointed now to have seen it deserted all the while.
Signs of a Boy or a Girl?: My Experience of Predicting Baby’s Gender during Pregnancy
As a mother of a boy and a girl, here I share the signs of the baby’s gender I had experienced during my two pregnancies. If you are an expecting parent, trying to guess which bundle awaits you, have fun with my theories. However, be sure, expect for an ultra sound, all theories are only theories!
Little Steps for Longer Lives
Soon after my son was born, I had gone into a cocoon life of a busy mom, totally uncaring towards my weight, shape and health. Issues of fat metabolism, digestion and cholesterol had entered my system without a warning along with disproportionate weight gain and the guilt of all of these. It took a couple of years to realize that my health must indeed be a priority to take care of the rest of the family. Especially, in the long run, how happy and healthy I carry my heart shall dictate the environment and health of the entire home and family.
MediGuardians: An Online facilitator of Medical Tourism in India
A few years ago, developed countries like US and UK were sought-after for world-class medical treatments. However, the medical scenario in the last decade has seen remarkable changes that increasing number of patients from other countries travel across the globe to India to seek medical help. As a result, medical tourism in India has emerged as an independent health-care sector with promising growth rate. According to a report by confederation of Indian Industry, the number of medical tourists in India has surged from around 2 lakhs in 2005 to 32 lakhs in 2015.