Embarking on Design without Borders

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How fascinating would it be if we were to re-design the world without borders!? Not only shall our travel experiences be liberating but also our perception about people, culture and their emotions shall find a chance, to discover the deep connection that we as human race share at our core. With plethora of hysterical borders…

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Jujubee, a Play for Children, by Adisakti Theatre Arts

I have never witnessed a live performance with this full of life before. The performance was a mix of story-telling, masks and puppet shows, dance performances with live background music throughout the play. The energy and enthusiasm of the artists were remarkable. There was never a time during the show when they paused or took a break. It was all flowing through them – that’s what I felt.

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Open air Gym in Bangalore

open air gym

“What a fascinating idea!” was what I thought when for the first time I saw an open-air gym in Bangalore. The fact that it was only two buildings away from my home was even more delightful. However, after almost a year of its construction, I am disappointed now to have seen it deserted all the while.

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A thing of love is to cherish forever

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Painting is like writing, to me. The joy is in the process; in the act of bringing the piece into a shape and render a fulfillment to the thought, the idea.

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The Caricature Artists: You can now order your caricature or freestyle drawing online

If you’ve ever wanted to get a caricature or a portrait of yourself or others done, but didn’t know where and how to find an easily accessible place, here I introduce The Caricature Artists, a premier company that offers creative caricatures online.

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My Conversation with Kolors

How can holi not remind us of colours? This is one festival I enjoy seeing people celebrating. Marking the beginning of spring, it feels as if holi comes to announce that the rich colourful flowers all around us are awaiting to blossom. And my most treasured holi celebration was during my internship at National Brain Research…

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My deja vu Moments – Captured and Painted!

Everytime while I hold my paint brush, there’s a voice in me that whispers “Before you die, make everything to be captured on the canvas – What you see, what you hear, what  you smell, taste, feel, think – just everything!” Though a fanciful conception, there were actually many moments in my life that have been manifested on my canvases, at least those…

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What are We Worshipping?

While a slightly undressed female on a magazine front page is viewed disgustingly, what makes those numerous erotic sculptures on the temple walls to be passed-by so casually? If you’ve ever had this question, scroll down to find an answer. Gopuram (tower) of the Chakarapani Temple, Kumbakonam (Tamilnadu) built in the 15th century A.D. by the Nayak kings (Photo…

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