Li’l Skolar Contest by Skola Toys – Kids Event Chennai

skola toys event

Saturday, the 1st December 2018, saw us at the Li’l Skolar contest, a kids event, organized by Skola Toys. It was a jam-packed event with back-to-back, one-on-one contests for three age groups. Goli Soda Store (an accompaniment of the Ashvita Bistro) at Alwarpet, Chennai was the venue for the contest. You can find catchy, eco-friendly…

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A Parents-Kids Event at KLAY Play School & DayCare, Perungudi, Chennai

klay perungudi OMR CHENNAI

February 24th 2018 saw us a group of parents and little kids spend a few happy hours of interesting time at KLAY, a prep school and daycare, at their Perungudi branch, Chennai. KLAY organized a special event to celebrate the season of love, facilitating age-wise activities for the participation of parents with their children of…

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Play it Right! – Bloggers' Meet by Skola Toys (Chennai Edition)

bloggers meet by skola toys

The 8th of December, 2017 saw us, a bunch of bloggers, educationists and child therapists meet at the Park Hotel, Chennai for a warm discussion on the effects of dictation vs discovery on early learning in children. The meet was organized by Skola Toys where we had the chance to interact with Mridula Sridhar, Co-Founder of Skola Toys. Post the discussion, we took a walk around the display of Skola Toys collection. As a participant blogger, I feel privileged to bring to you the fine points, videos and photographs from the meet.

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Of Perceptions, from a Chennai Bloggers' Meet!

sign board of perception and reality

The thought process that kicked me to write this post today is the ‘virtual perception vs. the actual perception’ I had experienced at the meet. When we interact with the same few people over a period of time through distant modes, our minds begin to form perceptions about those few. At the meet, it was interesting to observe the distinctive differences between my imaginary beings and the real ones.

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Jujubee, a Play for Children, by Adisakti Theatre Arts

I have never witnessed a live performance with this full of life before. The performance was a mix of story-telling, masks and puppet shows, dance performances with live background music throughout the play. The energy and enthusiasm of the artists were remarkable. There was never a time during the show when they paused or took a break. It was all flowing through them – that’s what I felt.

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Our Off-Road Experience with Tata Hexa

Tata Hexa

Tata Motors is launching TATA Hexa, a SUV designed for a power-packed, feature-loaded and adrenaline-pumped driving experience – what Tata fondly calls as The Hexa Experience! For the benefit of travel enthusiasts, Tata is organizing Hexa Experience centres in major cities where a simulation of off-road tracks is set. Our good old pal, Indiblogger, gifted…

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Our Playdate at Full of Toys, Bangalore

I thank Full of Toys for giving me that clarity of what kind of learning tools a preschooler needs at this stage. Creativity, imagination, pretend play and fun were all that I had concentrated for him all along. This playdate experience has added reasoning ability, quick thinking, problem solving and analytical thinking to it. There’s much I learnt as a parent here.

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My First Indi Meet @ Bangalore with ASUS

When I saw the notification of the ASUS happy hours, I left the page midway between the line that read about some invitation for some meet. Travelling 5 + 5 hours to Bangalore with my toddler son would be a pain and I had put the invite aside. All of a sudden, a couple of…

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