Who is Writing?

Pages From Serendipity is 12 years old!

What I had started as a means to kill time, in 2010, is an integral part of my life now! From philosophy, paranormal, and spirituality, this blog has slowly metamorphosed, over the years, to relationships, motherhood and parenting. When I look back at my blog archives, I am able to map that it’s not only the ‘what’ behind this blog that has undergone changes, but also the ‘who’ behind it has continued to evolve.

With writing, I recognize how a form of expression can be liberating;

With writing, I come closer to my thought processes everyday; and

In writing, I find a life-long companion!

Well, coming to the point,

Who is Writing?!

Nandhini Chandrasekaran

An erstwhile Biotechnologist, now an EdTech Science Content Specialist and a Mom of two under nine.

The words on this blog shall speak the rest!

If you are new here, here are a few sections on the blog you can start with:


The Mr. & The Mrs. – The Evolution is a series on marital relationships, which can give you touching insights into the evolution of a love relationship. Beginning from attraction and all the way up till ‘the death do us part’ moment, each of the posts in the series takes you through significant love stages of life.


AtoZ blogging challenge

Motherhood Emotions is a blog series of 26 posts to drench, relish and cherish in the emotions of motherhood. From baby blues to motherly love, from disorientation to frustration, this series brings to you the warmest realities of motherhood.

atoz challenge 2019 theme reveal

The Things that matter to Children Their apples can be blue. Their oceans can be pink. Their cars can sail on water. Their spiderman can go to school. In their world, reality doesn’t matter. Because, it is their childhood! Because, they are children! This is a series of 26 posts to emphasize on the things that matter to children – things that may not necessarily matter to the parents for their children. At the end of it, as parents, we would take added interest in their stories behind their scribblings; in their eagerness to get wet in the mud.

cover picture of the a to z blogging challenge

DIY Science Experiments for Kids A list of 26 DIY science experiments for 6+ year olds, spanning subjects such as Earth science, Human body, Everyday physics & Chemistry, and Plants. You can also get the full series of our video blogs of the experiments here in our YouTube channel.

title cover with the blog title

Instilling Social Equality in Children Irrespective of how we were raised and irrespective of our perspectives of the world and people, as parents we have the choice to raise our children to grow to adults who value non-discrimination and inclusivity. A thought-filled series of 26 posts to begin a parenthood journey towards social equality. The series was also published as a eBook available for free download here.

social equality

My Published Works

Here’s my little collection of works published online and in print forms, starting from age 17!

There are a number of other categories to read about on this blog. Choose what you want to read, from the ‘categories’ drop down on the right sidebar in a desktop and by scrolling to the bottom in a mobile device.

To my Readers

A million thanks for being here!

The thirst in every writer to be read is real. No matter how far one progresses in writing, to know that someone from some corner of the world landed on their written words is a beautiful feeling. Know that you’ve bestowed that beautiful feeling on me in the few minutes you are here.

If you like to keep in touch with Pages from Serendipity, let’s connect! Check on the right sidebar in a desktop and by scrolling to the bottom in a mobile device.

To Fellow Bloggers

You know me and I know you! Let’s simply connect!

If you are an Indiblogger, you can find me here.

If you are a Chennai Bloggers Club member, let’s meet on the CBC FB Group.

If you love Blogchatter, let’s connect here.

I am greatly grateful to your time!

Wishing you all a Happy Reading 🙂


46 Replies to “Who is Writing?”

  1. Hi, I am Riya. your handwriting is very deceptive and i miss u loads. heheehehe, i lyk the things you do passively and passionately… 😛 i wish to do something similar 🙂 i love reading your blogs… 🙂

    1. Hi Shazia,

      Ha! No, I didn’t read your mind 😆 Probably a part of all writer’s journey – from writer’s block to writer’s knock 🙂

      I really doubt if these changes I am enjoying now could have happened if I hadn’t started this blog, if I hadn’t started writing. While I write, it’s like the mind and the heart have a conversation with one other to come to a mutual agreement which otherwise remains an unsolved conflict.

      Honoured for your time to write here. You have a beautiful pink blog with good varieties. Good wishes!!!

    1. Thanks Juliet! Exciting to see another blog with the same wordpress theme. Looks like my sister blog 😉 Good wishes for all your writings.

  2. Hi Nandhini,
    Your blog is really wonderful and I am going to be a regular visitor and enjoy your peppy writing.
    All the Best
    Keep Blogging
    And yes, forget about getting into a straitjacket of a writing theme – variety is the spice of life.

    1. Its really encouraging to read a comment from such a wonderful writer.

      //variety is the spice of life//

      Exactly! One of the best things this blog has taught me 🙂

      Thanks a lot for your time and words!

  3. A unique writing style!!Thank you for Scooping out your memories/thoughts/views and serving them to us, topping it with vivid pictures/paintings/emoticons/photos and what not(of course words are nothing but collection of dots which again are carbon atoms in a particular arrangement but your arrangement of them is exactly as you want them to be )As a matter of fact your beautiful expressions of your wonderful thoughts/views are more beautiful than the thoughts/views itself, keep churning out more of them coz of all the wonderful things that I’ve described above and also coz I just love reading it again and again and again………………

  4. Hi Nandu, Today is D day to (I) read your maximum Posts…….What a Writing Nandu? This must be your desirable career….@ what you can do best to you and to others! Wuuhhh I missed (Forgot) all my works to do i just merged into your writing – This what a writer should have!Simply Great.
    Wishing and Dreaming to see your NOVEL soon……All the very best dear.
    some post I cant match it Because not yet come acrossed but It tempted me to have it soon!
    Once again its my pleasure to say Great writing…Beautiful narration….Rhythmic quotes what else to add more?

    1. Thanks Jana. Yes, I do enjoy writing definitely. In gratitude for your hopes on my novel. It might be out one day. When it comes, it will have your name in it for sure. Thanks very much!

  5. lovely blog! you have quite some talent to write about so many things! I fail at writing about such varied topic….Great going Nandini! 🙂

    1. Thanks a bunch! It’s much easier to write about varied topics than to sustain a blog with content on one particular thing which you are doing absolutely great at Jaipur through my lens. Loved going through your blog. Thanks for your time here, made my day 😀

      1. Nandini you are quite right. With my blog the topics are varied the only condition is that it should relate to jaipur. Till now I haven’t found any constraints. there’s more to write than what I’m able to
        Thanks for following my blog.

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