Questions: Children build their first world from our Answers!

questions children ask

Questions children ask are their earliest form of education. It is different from what and how they’ll learn in school later. They choose their syllabus and they need no examinations to prove if they’ve understood what they learn in their school of thoughts. 3-5 years is when their curiosities of the unfamiliar will be on a rise, after which familiarity will slowly begin to kill curiosity. Be there for your child at this stage, for it’s from you they build their first world.

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Mess: The Mandatory Identity of a Home with Kids

mess created by kids

Allow children to play in sand and mud. We can always wash them after the play. Allow them to play freely without rules. One toy at a time is a convenient rule but it’s not fun to them. Allow them to grab food in their hands. Of course, they are going to waste some food and they are going to create more work for us. But that’s the best way to help children make a connection with food. Allow them to be your gardening partners. It will be the most unimaginable messy time, but for children that will be a soulful time spent. Allow them to make mess, for when they are prevented, they might choose television and mobiles.

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Humour: Seeing Humour in Children – where it belongs to!

Laughing baby

Babies giggle as we throw them in the air, they laugh as we tickle them and they find our silly faces and sounds very very funny! As I wonder how little children relate and respond to these triggers with humour and amusement, it makes me assume perhaps it is to them that humour belongs, for it is so spontaneous to them. When we reach parenthood and begin to interact with the funny sides of children, we will have to fine tune a balance between not being so rigid about children’s humour and not giving away the originality of our emotions. 

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Is it necessary to understand Parenting?

parenting written on a classroom board

I often ask to myself, if parents can be perfect beings at all times? Doesn’t being mindful of all that we speak and do in front of the kids, restrict us from our spontaneous flow of life? And most importantly, if it is really necessary to understand, contemplate, dissect, dig, and study parenting in order to follow on some parenting rules in our everyday lives?

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