All is Well where the Well is Well!

quotes on water

Imagine one day water from the shower stops when you are covered in soap midway in your bath.

Imagine one day when you open the tap and hear the sound of air instead of the sight of flowing water.

Imagine one day you will have to pay an exuberant cost to drink a glass of safe water.

It shall be the worst nightmare than you can imagine!

I often hear our maid say she had to walk half a km to fetch a can of water because of water shortage in her area. I empathize with her situation though I am confident that it might not happen to me one day, because there’s always water when I open the taps in our home.

You, me and most of us live in this blind confidence. Seldom we realize that water might be a thing of money only for a while. Sooner or later, it shall become a thing of existence or non-existence!

Here’s that time of the year to remind ourselves of water conservation, let’s get into action,

The current situation of water conservation

Measures to conserve water has been one of the most evolving topics in the world over the years. At the national perspective, the government, NGOs and local communities are actively involved in water conservation though we are not close yet to a definitive breather aid. Here I am listing out a few of the highlights from the most recent news on water conservation:

  • Industries in Karnataka have been using fresh water from the rivers which adds to river water depletion. In order to minimize the depletion, the Karnataka government has been advised to plan for recycled water usage for industries. In this respect, a 100-km recycled water line covering 10 cities in under its way.
  • Following last year’s serious low supply of water, the Tiruchirapalli corporation has aimed at creating an awareness campaign to save water.
  • Dzongu, a reserved area in Sikkim and the land of Lepchas has successfully won the battle against the construction plans of a number of dams across the river Teesta. The local community has convinced the government about the weak carrying capacity of the river and it is indeed a victory for the indigenous people of the place.
  • A novel technique of Adda boring or horizontal boring has brought improved water utilization in Koppal district of Karnataka.
  • Desalinated water at 5 paise/Litre being sourced from Tuticorin district in Tamilnadu has been proposed by the union minister.
farmers leaving villages in anantapur
Anantapur village looks deserted because of farmers’ mass migration to cities (Source: India Water Portal)

However, inspite of the many new water conservation initiatives, the alarm of water depletion is still heard around the nation. The case of several farmers from Anantapur leaving their village in search of livelihood in the cities because of low groundwater levels and scanty rainfall is one of the symptomatic signs that warns the country of its near future.

The future of water consumption in the world

Blame the government, blame the industries, blame agriculture, blame you, me or the God of rains – the fact remains that water as a source has been constantly dripping down in its levels. According to the statistics below by the Ministry of Water Resources, it will not be too long before we hit the water scarcity line.

water statistics
Source: Business Today

Water isn’t a thing of scarcity in India alone. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has mapped the the danger zones of water scarcity for the coming years. It is a warning to several nations including India and many African countries.


Why is it important for us to save water?

Well, because humans on Earth haven’t found an alternative to it yet!

Water seems a free resource to us, like it’s readily available when we open the taps or everytime we press the water purifier button. Yes, it may be! Yet, it is not a reason for us to waste water. Mind it that wasting water is not only opening the taps and letting water flow uselessly. Day in and day out we waste water with no realization of doing it.

How many times in a day do you gulp all of the water from the glass you fetch at home, at a guest’s house, at office or at a wedding? How many times in a day do you aimlessly flush the toilet on the name of hygiene? How many times do you let the water run until you’ve brushed your teeth? The left over water from the glass, the toilet flush and the water that ran out from the tap while brushing might seem a small quantity. However, imagine millions of people doing this every day of their lives. It is a lot of water! Hence, water conservation must begin at home, in our everyday lives, with you and me!

Ways to save water in our daily lives

Follow #CuttingPani

If you’ve seen this ad by Livpure, you would know what Cutting Pani means. When you are not sure if you can drink all of the water in the glass that’s served to you, be in a restaurant or at a guest’s house, why don’t you politely empty half of it before sipping? Yes, cutting the glass of pani to half of its level back to where it was poured? Perhaps, you would save a half glass of water in case you are not drinking a full glass, isn’t it? Let’s do it! I just signed the cutting pani petition and if you would also want to do it, sign here.

Re-use the half-filled glass of water

Okay, you couldn’t avoid, your glass was filled and you feel embarrassing to pour it back. Try drinking it full, else re-use it. Drain it in a near-by plant pot, a fish tank, a pet’s bowl or perhaps save it if you have to wash your hands later.

Carry your own bottle

This way, you get to avoid any wastage of drinking water ever.

Check leakages at home

Most often fixing water leakages are only a call away. However, we tend to disregard the leakage for long until a sure need to fix it arises. Is there a leaking facet in your home? Get serious, call the plumber today. You might be saving several litres of water and you  might be helping someone in this world who has a scanty access to water.

Be judicious about using taps and showers

Yes, we all know that. Yet, do we really care? We must! The next time, you take a shower, you wash a dish, you brush your teeth, you wash your hands and you flush the toilet, respect water. Begin an imaginary relationship with water and take care of your bonding with love.

Wash your car and portico, not bathe them

Instead of a hose, use a bucket of water to wash your car and use a broom to clean your portico. You will realize that you really don’t need a water pipe at all and that you could save hell a lot of water.

The world needs collected efforts today to bring water back to its abundant form. Do your little and let me do my little to save water big.

One Reply to “All is Well where the Well is Well!”

  1. Very important issue. Beautiful fresh water lakes in Bangalore are polluted. It is criminal to pollute lakes when there is water shortage. There is total lack of planning.

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