DIY Science Experiments for Kids #AtoZChallenge2021

cover picture of the a to z blogging challenge

A list of 26 DIY science experiments for 6+ year olds spanning subjects such as Earth science, Human body, Everyday physics & Chemistry, and Plants.

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Understanding Biology through Art

biology illustrations header

Through biology illustrations, you will be eavesdropping on what sperms are chatting to each other; you will be jaw-dropping at the busy life of the tiny factories inside you; and you will be falling in love with your every little chromosome – be it an X or a Y!

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Summer Programme for Children by British Council, Chennai

british council summer class

British Council offers a unique summer programme for children this year. The theme of the course is Creative Minds, Forward Thinkers. The theme focuses on enhancing world knowledge, developing 21st century skills such as critical thinking and problem-solving and improving fluency in English in kids and teenagers using special features like digital learning, public speaking, creative writing and learning with the use of films in the class. An eventful summer is ahead for your children!

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Knowledge: What should Children Know?

knowledge development in early childhood

Knowledge forms the foundation of the concepts and skills a child is going to learn in the future. If only we were to realize this, we would know where to focus – our children’s conceptualization of facts and not their ability to memorize facts. What your child wants to know, matters, and that should form the most of what your child should know!

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Experience Vs. Education: What do you think matters to Children?

education in india

Their childhood is precious. Childhood is to be the foundation of experiences and not education! Can their ‘education’ wait until they become 5 or 6 years old? If it’s the school that is the problem, shall we think again. What should we weigh more? Our child’s childhood, or the convenient school? Though it involves practical difficulties, a child’s school can be changed anytime. But, a child’s childhood comes only once.Even if the school is too much focussed on academics, can we as parents, be easy on our children at least until they are 6 or 7-years old? Can we allow them to experience childhood? Can we allow them to play, paint, swing, laugh, listen, sing and dance in those few hours they might be focussing on writing everyday? Remember it’s not the amount of time that they are spending on writing. But the focus that is put to the brain. Can we allow their brains to focus more on child things than the adult things – things that adults want a child to do?

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Super6 Program Mentors 6 Girl Students from Economically Backward Families Every Year #WATWB

Dr. Chandrashekaran and his team mentoring the girl students of the Super6 program.

In the Super6 Program, 6 girl students (from economically weaker backgrounds), studying in the 6th grade are selected every year to be mentored until the time they grow up to find a job. What touched me about the Super6 program is that it’s about being actively involved in educating a girl child, which requires enormous dedication.

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