O for Overwhelming – 10 overwhelming 'O's of my motherhood

overwhelmed mom

The first few years of motherhood is a phase of heightened emotions. It is exactly the phase when women become anxious about their career. It is exactly the phase when they are learning parenting. It is exactly the phase when they want to show love toward their parents. It is exactly the phase when they want to set smooth their relationship with their husband. It is exactly the phase when they want to rush to do everything that life had had in store all along! That’s why this phase turns out to be an overwhelming period of life, for most mothers.

overwhelmed mom
Background Image Source: Michael Hyatt

Here are 10 ‘O’s of motherhood that many would share with me:

Over-alert: When I hardly take a shower because the toddler is alone outside the bathroom. I keep my ears alert anticipating a loud cry anytime. Sometimes, I extend the hand shower pipe as much as it can in order to remain at the doorstep of the bathroom to keep an eye of the little guy.

Over-anxious: I dozed off for a while in the afternoon today. The little girl was asleep next to me and the big boy next to her. After what seemed like a few minutes, when I woke up, neither of the two were to be seen in the room. In fact home was quiet. It startled me. Where are they?! What did they do to each other?!

Over-come: Cold, cough, fever, diarrhea, vomiting, hospitalization – the last thing that any mother would feel terrible to face!

Over-flowing: When for the first time, he dragged me to the balcony to show me the rains and he sang, ‘Rain rain go away’ (without being taught). I have sung this rhyme to him a hundred times before but I didn’t realize that he had actually listened to it all the while.

Over-joyed: When he used to come running towards me soon after waking up every morning, climb up on me and continue his nap on my shoulders.

Over-loaded: Deadline ends in a few minutes and the baby gives a loud cry 😥

Over-looked: When people ask me, “So, what do you do all day at home?”

Over-stimulated: Do you know how it feels to continuously hear a baby’s cry? I’ll tell you how it feels. Even when the baby is sleeping serenely, the cry would still ring in your ears and you would open the door quietly to check if you heard it right.

Over-whelming: When my son declared yesterday that I am his best friend in this whole world. I asked him why. He replied, “Because you didn’t leave me and go to office.”

Over-wrought: Writing about motherhood emotions for fourteen days in a row and realize that eleven more days are yet to go….. 😆

Please share your overwhelming motherhood experiences in the comments below. I am always happy to hear real-time mommy moments from mommies.

Here’s a list of the other posts in this series:

A for Attachment – That something I wasn’t prepared for!

B for Baby Blues – Beyond Pushes & Stitches

C for Cheerfulness – It’s a lovely sunny morning!

D for Disorientation – How did the cooker weight reach the lego box?

E for Embarrassment – My 5 most embarrassing moments as a mother

F for Frustration  That life isn’t the same afters kids

G for Guilt – 5 killer guilts of motherhood

H for helplessness – To see him struggle but can do nothing

I for Insecurity – Are my children safe?

J for (Being) Judged – Please tell me then, what makes a good mom?

K for Karma is Bliss – At the heart of a stay-at-home mom

L for Liberation – From womanhood to motherhood

M for Melancholy – This shall also pass away

N for Nostalgia – That which remains with motherhood forever

P for Pride – When my heart swelled while my head bowed down

6 Replies to “O for Overwhelming – 10 overwhelming 'O's of my motherhood”

  1. Hi Nandhini, You don’t want to hear my mother story. I am a mother who works out of the home and it is hard to leave wee little ones in the care of others for more than half the day. In truth, the people who watch my child are the ones raising her. So, yes. There are many “O’s” of motherhood but the worst thing ever is the “R” of regret that you did not spend all of the time you wanted/could with your child/ren. Be happy to be over-. I wish I was in your shoes.

  2. That’s a very exhaustive list. I remember the first year of my motherhood -always talking to my son about almost everything. He used to respond too… with his aaaahhhs n coooos.. what fun it used to be

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