Happy Memories with Mom!

Everybody knows, what roles mothers play in our lives. But tell me, should all mommy memories be sentimental, nostalgic, emotional and tear-flooding? Especially with a mom like our’s who has even brought comedy into a funeral ceremony, one can imagine the number of Laugh-out-Loud and Roll-on-the-Floor-Laughing moments we’ve had. I am sure I am going to laugh insanely as I recollect and write my happy memories with her, here. Come, join the fun!

Once at her uncle’s funeral ceremony, mom made a funny comment about something that provoked her aunt (wife of her dead uncle) to laugh out loudly. Though it was an awkward moment, her aunt was finally able to come out of her traumatic state.

At around two years of age, while mom sleeps, I used to give her sharp injections using broomstick, making her wake up screaming. Mom often recollects this incident and we’ve had hearty laughs together many a times. It was one of my early fantasies as a child to be a doctor. Realizing my interest in the doctor role play, she soon got me a toy doctor set.

Mom is an excellent mimicry artist. She can modulate voices and make gestures so exactly like our family people and friends. Several were those times when we’ve had ultimate fun during family get-to-gethers with her humorous dramas 😀

Once, while I was fourteen years old, mom instructed me to make tea for some guests at home. I placed the tea kettle for boiling and absent mindedly left the kitchen, forgetting all about it. Meanwhile mom was narrating about my fine tea-making skills to the guests when one of them reported a burnt smell from the kitchen. Even today, when guests come home, she narrates this incident to them before instructing me to make tea. Though it will be embarrassing for me, all of them would have a happy time together 👿

Mom is the best bargainer I’ve ever met. She uses different tactics at different times and never exits a shop without making a big deal for what we decide to buy. It has been really embarrassing to accompany her during such bargaining, but at the end of it, it were all too good a saving. Here’s a real-life incident to explain you what she does exactly during a deal-making: Shop-O-Holic to Wise-O-Shopper!

Once during a parents-teachers meeting at school, we knew that my class teacher had something to complain about me. But mom took the lead and began to complain about me, turning around the situation such that the teacher started speaking in favour of me to console my mom 🙄 We kept giggling all the way back home 😆

When we were little children, mom used to hide me, next to her, inside the quilt and tell my sister that I am missing. My sister would hurriedly search all the rooms while mom and I used to laugh and giggle heartily 😛

Soon after I created an email ID for her, one of her friends asked for her email ID. She sent both her ID and password thinking the receiver will need her password to read her mail. I had spent two hours to teach her about the email thing and this was the height of her learning 😳

Sometimes, when we spend time at the terrace, gazing at the stars and talking about old memories, she would often narrate those funny moments of her school days and college days; of how she would pass comments about her lecturers secretly and how she would describe her ordinary government school as a brilliant architecture with colourful fountains, to her brother. We laughed and laughed so much that the stars would have envied our happiness.

And the most memorable was when she mistakenly applied a burgandy coloured hair dye instead of her usual black. She felt so embarrassed about her new hair colour that she wrapped her head with her pallu whenever she stepped out of the house. However, now that she has started using Godrej Expert Rich Creme Hair Colour, she is double confident of the natural black pack because of the clear indication of the colour on top of the pack, even though it comes with seven beautiful shades. To add to her humorous personality, she also flaunts her soft and shiny hair now, all owing to the goodness of aloe vera and milk protein conditioning formula found in her new hair colour. Watch this commercial and browse the link mentioned above to know more about Godrej Expert Rich Creme Hair Colour.

It is rare to meet persons who can create spontaneous humour and laugh from the bottom of the gut. I could not have been luckier than having one such person as a mother. I admire how she continues to be joyful from the heart in spite of several downfalls of life.

She is indeed #MyFirstExpert of Happiness!

Here’s a famous poem by John Masefield which mom often quotes and also strives to live up to its meaning:

Laugh and be merry, remember, better the world with a song,
Better the world with a blow in the teeth of a wrong.
Laugh, for the time is brief, a thread the length of a span.
Laugh and be proud to belong to the old proud pageant of man.

Laugh and be merry: remember, in olden time.
God made Heaven and Earth for joy He took in a rhyme,
Made them, and filled them full with the strong red wine of
His mirth
The splendid joy of the stars: the joy of the earth.

So we must laugh and drink from the deep blue cup of the sky,
Join the jubilant song of the great stars sweeping by,
Laugh, and battle, and work, and drink of the wine outpoured
In the dear green earth, the sign of the joy of the Lord.

Laugh and be merry together, like brothers akin,
Guesting awhile in the rooms of a beautiful inn,
Glad till the dancing stops, and the lilt of the music ends.
Laugh till the game is played; and be you merry, my friends.

To me,

God made Heaven and Earth and Mom for joy!

Photo Courtesy: www.algemeiner.com

0 Replies to “Happy Memories with Mom!”

  1. Aha! Such happy, fun and funny memories. Life’s more beautiful with people who have such a sunny and a vibrant outlook towards life. You are blessed 🙂

  2. This is a really touching read! All these stories from childhood, memories – they really enrich our life, don’t they? Loved reading about this..and wish you the best 🙂

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