House of Cards Season#5 Episode #1 – Terror is on the Cards!

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#HOConZCafe #HouseofCards #HomecomingofTerror

With the recent World Political maneuvers, the popular U.S. television series, House of Cards’​ new season (#5) was much awaited as the show intentionally or perhaps, intuitively shadows the real-life political situation in the U.S.

The show crossed four seasons in four years. Season four ended with the live television screening of James Miller’s beheading by ICO. The final zooming onto the Underwoods who pierced straight into the execution while the rest turned their faces away, backed up by Frank’s statements, “We are at war” and “We make the terror” in the last episode, only signed off the season with further terror.

“Frank Underwood is coming to India with the television premiere of House Of Cards Season 5 on Saturday, 3rd June, 5 PM onwards, only on Zee Café!

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Source: Zee Cafe

***Spoilers ahead from the House of Cards season #5 Episode #1 (Chapter 53)***

The first episode of season five builds fire under the series, right away. With presidential elections forthcoming, the Underwood couple play carpetbaggers to hold their reign from falling off their hands. Claire Underwood’s public service announcement on a television filming, in a way to forewarn the country is apparently intended to leave the citizens to conjecture.

Following the First Lady’s addressing, the President’s uninvited ingress into the House marks off a conspicuous plot against the debate by a Congress man on Tom Hammerschmidt’s accusations published in the Washington Herald. Alleging the circumstantial contingency, Frank overtakes the debate ostentatiously, contorting the focus of the floor to terrorism. As he spouts, “I will not yield,” the overt looming of Frank’s manipulative power play further into the season cannot be missed.

What spurs curiosity in the first episode is the secret whisper that James Miller’s daughter makes into Frank’s ears at her father’s funeral. Her secret wish for Frank to die making Claire Underwood the president is rather inquisitorial. Does it augur a beginning of another rift between the Underwoods? Does it throw a fortuity on Mrs. Underwood to swear the Presidential robe? Will it drag their feet from working together for the elections? These could be a few of the questions that might pop up instantly in the audiences’ mind. However, as the episode progresses, the Underwoods’ political games unfold swiftly, revealing newer predicaments.

In spite of the favors the Underwoods gather to sweep the election, the risks from the Miller family, Tom’s investigation reports and even the slightest clue about Frank’s hostage of the terrorist on the loose can change the cards otherwise. As episode one comes to a closure, two uncertainties stand out: Will the Underwoods win the election? What will happen to Frank’s warmongering appetite?

Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright continue to steal the show for the slightest of their nods and the subtlest of their eye-moves spell acting. What needs a special mention is the genius of the new show runners who have carried on without a peck of difference of what creator Beau Willimon did. 

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