Handmade Cardboard Play Doctor's Clinic


Do you have a kid who loves to pretend play a doctor?

Does your child’s face glow in excitement when he/she places the toy stethoscope on your chest, stomach, hand and face?

Are syringes and injections are a part of your Lo’s playtime?

Then, you must try making a play doctor’s clinic!

Pretend playing a doctor is one of the top fun games among children and a play doctor’s set is a part of most children’s toys. It is one of the professions children are introduced to, at an early age. The fact that children can visit a real-time doctor and experience the conversations and diagnostic procedures that doctors do, adds to their interest in pretend playing a doctor.

Apart from the toys that come along with a doctor’s play set, what you can add in your home to make their activities more fun is a play doctor’s clinic. My son finds the doctor set tools fascinating. He asks me what each of it does and constantly explores the many different tools and equipment of the set. It was on one of those interesting play days that the thought to make a play doctor’s clinic struck me. My son feels like a matured and responsible doctor when he sits inside his play clinic 😆


Here, I share a couple of images of the play clinic I had made (unfortunately, these are all I have). I had put to use the cartons of TV package and those which Flipkart and Amazon services bring home. It can be set up in a few minutes by connecting cardboard pieces together in the form of walls and floor. If you like, you may add a roof to it too. The play clinic has a doorway, outside of which I usually sit as a patient 😛 I had made a play house connected to the play clinic, the two of which has a common window (the one you can see just above the Flipkart logo in the image above). Peeping and communicating through this window has been a great fun to us. On one of the sides of the play clinic, there is a small opening which acts as a medical shop counter. So, after the doctor diagnoses me and writes a prescription, I go to the other side, to the medical shop and get the medicines from him through this counter. Yes, he then pretend plays the pharmacist, as well 🙂

Please excuse me for the poor image quality. They were taken just like that, unintended for a blog post entry. 

cardboard play hospital

kid's play doctor set


This was a small name plate for the doctor. After I made this, anywhere my son spots a red cross like this, he will identify it has a hospital.

I didn’t give a neat finishing to the play clinic with chart coverings as I had done for the cardboard play house. I did the whole thing quickly in less than an hour for a short-time stay at his granny’s house; so I hadn’t focused on perfection. If you want it to look attractive from the outside, you may cover the cardboard pieces with coloured chart papers. What I’ve made is a pretty smaller one. If you have a larger space at home, you may try making a larger one to accommodate two people inside.

If the play clinic interests you, you might also want to have a look at our Cardboard Play House. Click on the image below to see the details.

play house

Have you tried making a play clinic for your children? Please share your images and experiences in the comments below. I am looking for new ideas for a new play clinic.

0 Replies to “Handmade Cardboard Play Doctor's Clinic”

  1. Loved it! ☺️ My daughter is now 2.3 yrs and she still loves playing a chef. Probably will make a cardboard kitchen for her 😃 I’m sure she’ll get promoted as a doctor very soon 😂

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