Haven't guessed #IndiasMostLovedCEO yet?

As I write this post, we have hardly one more day for the secret to get unveiled – Who’s India’s most loved CEO?

Still clueless? Visit the #IndiasMostLovedCEO website now to know what’s this all about.

The website features a few professionals who talk highly of their ‘CEO’, who don’t seem like different persons but the same one, to me. They speak how their ‘CEO’ helped to overcome an adversity at the work front to give them an uplift. This is also presented as a contest to the public with the promise of Moto G phone and flipkart vouchers.

#India'smostlovedceo contest

This hashtag #IndiasMostLovedCEO seems popular now with people tweeting their wild guesses from Nadella to Rajinikanth. In a way, it is nice to read the names of people who people have adorned all along. However, whosoever the CEO that this website refers to is yet to be revealed; in another day’s time, according to the website.

With all that I’ve been reading, I think #IndiasMostLovedCEO is not going to be person at all. It might actually be a startup venture like a website, magazine, app or other technologically accessible service which provides consultation services to all professional problems and questions. It might act like a CEO that Indians are going to love for its problem-solving capabilities.

That’s my take. Let’s wait and see what’s in store for all of us who guessed it.

You, haven’t guessed it yet?

Update on July 27th, 2016

Well, I made a good guess then. It’s revealed today on their website that India’s most loved CEO is TimesJob’s Career Enhancement Officer, a career service provider.

 So do I win? 😇

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