Launch of IndiPR, a Content Marketing Platform

Anybody can become an entrepreneur today, regardless of education and experience. As long as passion is the driving force, a new start-up isn’t a far-reach. However, not all businesses reach far, because not all entrepreneurs can become efficient marketers.

Do you own a new business and looking out for ways to connect with relevant influencers? Or perhaps, do you want to expand the audience of your established concern?

Well, IndiPR has something valuable for you!

Anybody can own and run a blog. In fact, it’s easier done than said. However, not all influencers are privileged to connect with leading brands and sponsors.

Are you an ardent blogger with a great zeal for publishing first-hand marketing content? Are you waiting for brands to knock your door?

IndiPR has something valuable for you too!

Exactly! IndiPR connects businesses and influencers! Take a quick glance, below, of what it is and how it works:

What’s IndiPR?

IndiPR, launched by Indiblogger, the largest Indian blogging platform, is a system designed to help businesses with their content marketing needs and reward quality publishers with an income.

How does it work?

For digital marketers:

You have a press release for your product or company and you would like to get it published across top blogs. Here’s what you would do:

  1. Visit IndiPR and sign-up
  2. Select your budget
  3. Pay online
  4. Upload your Press Release
  5. View the published articles on your dashboard after only 72 hours of posting your project

Who will be your influencers?

You ought to know them, well, not really! IndiPR includes the smart ‘Automated Influencer Targeting Engine’, or ‘AITE’, which utilizes a combination of quality checks, internal scores that have been tracked for over a decade and your ratings of the articles written for you to intuitively serve your requirement. That means, you do not have to manually select the influencers.

IndiPR Automated Influencer Targetting

During IndiPR launch, Karthik DR, Co-founder & Business Head at IndiBlogger said, “The amount of time that people spend in trying to identify and contact influencers is huge. With, you don’t have to worry about any of this as the system just needs your Press Release. The rest is history!”

Can you try IndiPR before paying?

Yes. IndiPR offers an ‘All access Free Trial’ to your company when you sign-up. You can expect a maximum of 5 articles from your free trial.

Do you want to know more?

Read IndiPR FAQs here and contact,

Anoop Johnson

Phone – +91-9900-001655 or 0124-4891498

For bloggers:

You are a blogger who publish content on one or a few specific areas, for example, technology, fashion etc. When a brand related to one or more of your blog’s niche areas posts a press release, how do you get to publish it on your blog and get paid?

  1. Visit Indiblogger and sign-up. Register your blog if it complies with the given guidelines.
  2. When a new project is posted, the system alerts all the registered publishers and you will be able to apply for it.
  3. If chosen from the pool of applicants by AITE, you can reject or accept the project. Once you accept the project, you will not be able to cancel it for any reason.
  4. The system automatically dispenses publisher payments within 14 business days from the day the project is posted.

Renie Ravin, the Founder and CEO of IndiBlogger, says about IndiPR, “We believe that this system will help Influencers with fresh and new content on their site every day. In a way, you could be writing about the next Google without even realizing its immense potential.”

Do you want to know more?

Read IndiPR FAQs here and contact,

Anoop Johnson

Phone – +91-9900-001655 or 0124-4891498

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