Be the Breeze!

With my recent book in hand and my customary collection of songs playing in the background, I was on the way to office this morning – one of the many usual days on the same road. The little green plants,  the busy temples, the traffic congestion – it were all the same as any other day of the 1000 odd days I would have traveled. However, as we approached the office gate, something soothing touched me from behind – a slow b-r-e-e-z-e! Yeah, a nice thing. And then came the big realization that I had not remembered to open the shuttle windows today 🙁

And a striking analogy struck  me instantly. That sometimes we do our routine so religiously that we tend to forget to open our windows of life. Not just the windows that  take us to opportunities or success but the subtle windows which open us to smaller joys too, many a times.

It was the last week in my college. I was going around the hostel and the college campuses to exchange farewell notes with all my 3-year old buddies. There was this girl whom I had prejudiced in my mind as a haughty character and had stayed away from her for the whole of the 3 years.

And towards the end, in the last week, we happened to strike a casual conversation and lo! what a wonderful person she was! Too simple and an amazingly interesting speaker. Though it was too late to have known her, I could at least realize then the foolishness in pre-stamping somebody like that.

We need a breeze. We need one single conversation to remind us that we are being closed to some little joy without being aware of it.  While we can hope for such breezes in our own lives, this post comes to tell you all that be reminded that YOU CAN BE THE BREEZE to somebody else too. We all need reminders and we all can be reminders to each others as well.

Share your everyday little joys and little thoughts to someone you meet or speak, you may never know before in hand which of your words will inspire somebody to open their windows of their days.

Simply, be the breeze!

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0 Replies to “Be the Breeze!”

  1. This post isn’t awesome, I just could not read beyond the first few lines, there wasn’t anything for me to partake from this post .If only breeze had consciousness it would commit suicide reading my dishonest comment (yeah I am being dishonest)
    Let me end on a more honest note long live the breeze and long live your writing!!

  2. A very nice thought to write about and so true – with a good example. We have all been there at some point or the other. Strange isnt it… that we ourselves shut us out from the real things of life. happiness.

    1. Strange enough to realize sometimes that we do our road and place a barricade to block ourselves. But a little realization, a little awareness can undo the blocks. Thanks for coming Dee!

  3. Well written Nandhini. Nice way to compare life with the breeze. Open the windows of the heart to feel the wonderful breeze setting in. Good message 🙂

  4. This is the first time I am visiting your blog and I must say I am totally impressed, became a fan of your theme and simplicity. That motivated me to look into a couple of articles.

    There are times when you have a look at the most ordinary thing and you miraculously find something strangely alien there. In most cases there is no change, but your perception of things change for that particular moment giving you a cherished memory.

    Liked this article only for such sudden changes of outlooks 🙂
    Keep up the good writing. 🙂

  5. Thankful for your visit here Mercy. Be the breeze came out of one such moment. While I need to think about what to write, there are beautiful moments like these when life dictates the words. I am ever at admiration towards life’s situations.

    Keep visiting often.

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