Playing ouija boards, more popularly identified as the planchettes, used to be a popular spooky experiment in college hostels a decade before. (Wonder what the trend is today as many sought-after affairs would have been developed in a decade ;)) Probably, the young inquisitive minds, the thrill associated, no prohibiting elders near-by, the strength in being in a group were all supportive enough for college students to try their hands in this.
Well, the first and the last time I’ve ever tried my own fingers was this. We were a group of new joiners doing a training programme. Our new trainer in the second week was a lady, as wacky as our group 😉 We had our training in the night shifts those days and after a session of boring credit card mathematics, we all were amused when this lady trainer started her first class with talking about planchettes. She infected enough passion into us that soon after we had reached our hotel at 2 in the midnight, we created a ouija board, switched off the main lights, came to perfect silence with complete attention on the play. No sooner had we mentally invoked for a spirit than I realized an irresistible pull on my right index finger and the COIN WAS MOVED! Mind it – I didn’t move that!
And that was the end of the story. Having experienced that gripping fear that night, none of us again ventured for another try.
I know that my experience is relatively insignificant when compared to many others whom I’ve heard explaining the detailed conversions they had with the spirits. Though there are plenty of reports and write-ups on this subject, I should highlight here a recently read blog post in which the author having had substantial interest and experience with the ouija board has neatly and logically explained what exactly happens from the time an entity is invoked. The sensations experienced and the penetrating observations elucidated are worth a read especially if you are interested to know who exactly moves the coin on the ouija board.
Please continue reading My Experience with the OUIJA BOARD written by Vamsi Krishna Mohan.
Please do share your experience with the ouija board you might have had sometime.
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Ooooohhhh, you brought back memories, i tried planchette when i was in school. it is not a experience i would want to go through with again. i totally love the way you wrote the blog, people usually sit and weigh the pros and cons of this “invoking spirit ritual”. but yes, the way u penned it, is so casual. Kudos to u for that.
After i went through this experience a lot of my frenz wanted to try it out, just for the sake of ‘adventure’, i realised if we create that “mystery” around planchette, obviously ppl out there would want to experience the same, and do something which is definitely not healthy. The best way therefore is to realise that it is but a cheap thrill, and really does not last very long, but the after effect when things get out of control can last more than a lifetime!
No wonder you tried it 😉 When the coin pulls your finger it gets really scary…..definitely am not that daring! Beautifully said! Not a thing to get deep into. Thank you 🙂