Small Deed #3

Read Small Deed #2


Whenever an ambulance siren strikes your ears, stop your thoughts and actions for a moment and make a quick prayer for the patient and the family.

Way back few years, hearing an ambulance siren was once in a blue moon  and definitely gathered all the road’s attention at once. And today, even if I miss to see the Moon on a No Moon day, I don’t miss to hear the siren. Could be that the medical emergency support has improved or the number of people requiring medical emergency support has increased. No matter what we cannot deny that ambulances have become a part of our everyday traffic. Especially, if you’ve been travelling for 3 hours up and down in Bangalore traffic in a single day (like me 🙁 ), then your ears are already vaccinated against this sound. (No wonder that the number of births in ambulances are increasing in Bangalore). And if at all the siren reaches our consciousness, most of us try earnestly to look all around to locate the ambulance and faithfully torture our visions to see if there would be any gap in the closed curtains to peep in.  And it’s all the more pathetic to see bikers competing with these holy vehicles on the road!

Well, this post is to remind us that at least after finishing our peep-in trials, let us close our eyes for a minute and pray for the patient – no matter who is inside (You may never know, it could be your neighbour even) and to give strength to his/her loved ones. Having this message passed on and with 1000 prayers in an instant, I can imagine how many lives can be saved. Who knows – destiny could be overridden!


Wishing you may never have to face a medical emergency and God forbid, it happens let there be enough prayers all around you to heal you!


P.S. Anything you think can be added here, please leave a comment or an email. It could be anything from removing waste from roadside to donating blood. Your suggestion will bear you a virtue and an acknowledgement in a new post.


Photo Courtesy

Read Small Deed #4

0 Replies to “Small Deed #3”

    1. One good thing about Europe is that, here ppl stop as such when they hear the siren sound of ambulance. Even heavy Traffic is cleared, within secs. Many times i have seen, vehicles frozen in strts. But In my country its not like that, no one gives way for ambulance, some even overtake ambulance…
      In a country, where there are many vegetarian hearts, the conditions of ambulance is a bad sigh………!

      Let this change…!

      1. Actually here all the vehicles get equally caught in traffic, so there is nothing anybody can do. There’s no space to clear the traffic on any side 🙁 Lucky people in your place!

  1. That was some thought. Wonder why no ever thought about it before? When I hear/see an ambulance, all I’m bothered is just to make way for it. But the worst part is, most of us make way for the ambulance but some jerks take advantage of that free space an jump in between.
    But now, I’ll keep in mind what you said. 🙂

  2. Here in Delhi they are thinking of starting a dedicated lane for such vehicles. That way they will beat traffic and not wait at signals as they will be given priority.
    It will be based on the dedicated CWG line

  3. Hi Nandhini..what a sensitive know we bongs have this habbit of raising our hands to the forehead and then the chest, every time we cross a temple..or for that matter many of us do..i do the same when i see an ambulance and say “let the person be safe , he has a family waiting for him ”

    its great to see people talkinga bout such important subject..beleive me you have been successful in spreading the word to at least a 100 peopel who had read this post and may be only 10 will stop by to comment..but you did your job and thats what is great abt you

    1. @Prateek

      Good something is being done about it inIndia. Thanks for your time Prateek.

      @ Sulagna

      As you reminded about habits, probably parents should include such sensitive givings while bringing up children 😉 Thanks for your appreciation and hope the word spreads 🙂

  4. Nandhu You rock again….

    Iam really glad for having disturbed (remember not inspired ;-)) you to write a blog not only because you write nice blogposts cattering to people in the various walks of life also because you have started something called “Small deed”. And in fact, its no small deed taking into account the magnitude of change it might (hopefully will) bring in the minds of people which will eventually translate into (real world) actions!

    Trust me, the idea is novel and worth a try though result/change depends on people’s attitude towards life. And now, I can say that you inspired me to write something like this in tamil 🙂

    Happy for you nandhu 🙂

    1. OMG! You know what Hari, as I dont get time to write science/psychology stuff all the time, I started this small deed blogposts and as such it’s easy to write things short and from the heart. And how nice to know that you’ve thought about translating to include in your’s. Am flying……ha! And I read the first one in your’s. Well well, will the comment there.

  5. Living in a rural place… I am still not vaccinated to the ambulance siren..
    You have presented this point very well and in a simple manner

    1. @ Riya


      @ Farila Ji

      Thats a fantastic point in living in a rural place. Hope such places dont get contaminated with the city blues. And thanks a lot for your time and appreciation.

  6. Bangalore is the worst city for anyone to have a medical emergency. No one cares one bit for ambulances.
    “Put yourself in other person’s shoes” is a moral no one remembers. Imagine our own near and dear ones in such a situation and the vehicles on the road not caring to give your ambulance the way. It can cost his life.
    When we do not have the ability to give life – we do not have the ability to take it either (even if only indirectly).

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