AtoZ Challenge 2017 (Motherhood Emotions)

AtoZ blogging challenge

AtoZ blogging challenge

The AtoZ Blogging Challenge is a month-long blogging challenge wherein the participating blogger writes one blog post a day on a chosen theme. The title of the blog posts will follow the alphabetical series, that is, the first blog post (on April 1st) will be titled or themed with a word beginning with the alphabet A, with alphabet B on April 2nd and continue up till alphabet Z on April 30th. Sundays are holidays, as always.

AtoZ challenge 2017 badge

Starting from 1st of April till 30th of April 2017, please join me in an emotional odyssey of motherhood on the theme, 

‘The Very Many Emotions of Motherhood’

As a mother of two, as a stay-at-home-mom and as an ever-learning, ever-evolving mom, I am looking forward to share my A to Z everyday motherhood emotional rides, through my blog. I invite all of my readers to please join in here and share your emotional experiences along with me.

You might also like to read a few archived posts on Pregnancy & Motherhood and Parenting & Kids.

Here’s a list of the posts in this series:

A for Attachment – That something I wasn’t prepared for!

B for Baby Blues – Beyond Pushes & Stitches

C for Cheerfulness – It’s a lovely sunny morning!

D for Disorientation – How did the cooker weight reach the lego box?

E for Embarrassment – My 5 most embarrassing moments as a mother

F for Frustration  That life isn’t the same afters kids

G for Guilt – 5 killer guilts of motherhood

H for helplessness – To see him struggle but can do nothing

I for Insecurity – Are my children safe?

J for (Being) Judged – Please tell me then, what makes a good mom?

K for Karma is Bliss – At the heart of a stay-at-home mom

L for Liberation – From womanhood to motherhood

M for Melancholy – This shall also pass away

N for Nostalgia – That which remains with motherhood forever

O for Overwhelming – 10 overwhelming ‘O’s of motherhood

P for Pride – When my heart swelled while my head bowed down

Q for (feeling) Quarantined – What?! 20 missed calls?

R for Reminiscence – Motherhood without diapers, washing machine and videos? Amma, Your Highness

S for Soulful – Becoming a parent is touching!

T for Terrible – 4 Terrible negotiations with my terrible two

U for Unconditional – What the umbilical cord has dictated upon us! 

V for Vaccination – Immunization schedule of mothers

W for (feeling) Wanted – That moment when those tiny little fingers wouldn’t let you go away

X for (e)X Life – Life before motherhood

Y for Yelling – Yelling moms aren’t bad moms, please. I am one!

Z for Zygotic Moments – Pages from my pregnancy photo book

Gratitude & Reflection Post

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