Daddy Time, Exclusive!

fathers day

With a laptop crash, I couldn’t pull up the fatherhood series. Well, my laptop revived back just in time on Father’s Day. I shall continue to write on the series until the end of the month.

A Happy Father’s Day to all the Dear Dads reading this post!

I remember, the first time my son was exclusively with his dad was when he was around two years. From then on, I have watched them become good companions. It is one of the joyous phases in fatherhood when the child begins to share his love and time with the father, after having been solely dependent on the mother in the initial days. The mother to child bond is instinctive whereas the father to child bond is mostly acquired. And the very fact that the little one begins to look for the father’s presence, is a sign of an exuberant connection.

I often admire the daddy-son duo of our home for the enthusiastic and energetic activities they do together. They play football together. They trek up small hills together. They ride their bikes together. They do marathons together. They swim together. And their recent menaces are learning a new language and parker roll together. When they return back home, I’ve seen a sense of achievement in both. The father earns a unique sense of responsibility and care while the son acquires some freedom from the mom’s boring and repetitive love 🙂

The love and fun when the mother is around is of one kind. It is of a different kind with a father around. None is lesser or greater than the other. Though mothers are spoken of highly, ask a child (not a grown up), who he/she would like to spend time with. The answer is going to be ‘both’ or surprisingly, ‘the dad’. Ask a dad if he would like to spend some lone time with the little one. For the first time, it might sound apprehensive but at the end of it, there would have been lots of fun amidst breaking of several home rules 😆

I had created the collage below last year when once I had lovingly observed their special outdoor explorations. I am going to end this post here with this picture as an ode to the superb father I am living with.

Please continue to share your emotions as a father. More posts are on the way!

fathers day


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