India goes Crazy against Arnab Goswami #ShameonTimesNow

How many times this man would have startled my blood pressure while I make dinner in the kitchen?! And I scream back at H to change the TV channel?!

No, not H!

Arnab Goswami, who the Nation wants to know NOW, if he would apologize for his raving comments on Team India and Captain Dhoni that they’ve let a billion down and most of all, for spawning the hastag #ShamedinSydney, just to turn on the Television Rating Point of Times Now!

It’s the night after Team India lost the semifinals of CWC 2015 with Australia. Unlike during other times of loses, Indian cricket fans are not cribbing about a bad play. Instead the whole national mass is backfiring at the self-proclaimed authority of the Nation’s politics, sports, law, order and justice – Mr. Arnab Goswami!

At the post-match press conference, when questioned about his entry in the next World Cup, Caption Dhoni said, “I’m 33, I’m still running, I’m still fit, but I’ll have a year’s time, maybe close to next year, during the T20 World Cup will be the time I would like to decide whether I’ll continue till the 2019 World Cup or not.”

Australia caption Michael Clarke commented that this wouldn’t be Dhoni’s last Word Cup. He said, “I’m pretty sure it’s not going to be, there’s a lot of cricket left in his body yet.”


And guess what the most-watched Indian, Arnab, comments in the most-preferred news channel, Times Now?

‘Did the dropped catch clearly show Kohli was feeling the pressure?’

‘Did over confident Indian batsmen mess up the run chase?’

‘Did Suresh Raina get carried away and gift his wicket’

Most shockingly, he wanted to know if Virat Kohli should apologize to the nation.

And throughout the debate what seemed thoroughly disgusting was the hashtag #ShamedinSydney! flashing on the screen.



The team won all the seven matches so far in CWC 2015 and a defeat at the semifinals brought a shame for the nation? Not that our team did their best today; however considering 328 being the highest target for a World Cup Semi Finals till date and fighting against a powerful team on their own queen territory, I would call the defeat gracious rather a shame.

Should we remind that Dhoni won a T20 World Cup, a Champions Trophy and a 50-over World Cup for the country, in fact the only captain to have won all three?! And today after having walked into the semifinals of an ICC World Cup, he’s offended of irresponsibility?

Arnab’s that single comment on Dhoni about his post-match press conference, “Caption Dhoni shrugged off responsibility” came like an uncontainable blow to thousands of Dhoni’s fans watching the insane show.

There started the trending of #ShameonTimesNow, #ShameonArnab and #ShameonArnabGoswami!

Indians could fall a prey to ‘divide and rule’ and ‘divide and fall’ but definitely not to ‘shun cricket’ and ‘blow the whistle on Dhoni’. Also, the fact that the captain hasn’t seen his new-born daughter for what he calls as his ‘National duty’, adds to his stand of a dignified fall.

Indians have been tweeting in rage against Arnab and Timesnow for hours now. It’s 3.00 am as I write this post and #ShameonTimesNow is still trending in India.


Already crossed 1 Lakh tweets 🙄

Just a few tweets here. Wish to add more if only my laptop wouldn’t get hanged, scrolling the way through the nation’s roars 😉

shameontimesnow10  shameontimesnow12

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Some tweets disgraced Arnab, unnecessary pulling down his personal life, which I didn’t feel right. However, this tweet was a one big ROFL! What adds more fun to this situation is that, ideally at his hour #TwitterMeetsArnab must be trending, but his bad day and nation’s good day at last, #ShameonTimesNow is trending 😆


This one was from Pages from Serendipity:


Well the dawn of tomorrow shall let us now the true intensity of this ferocity!

0 Replies to “India goes Crazy against Arnab Goswami #ShameonTimesNow”

  1. lolz.. loved ur write up.. yes.,. he should’nt be so hard on players..matches are won and lost.. Dhoni is the best captain India has ever had…

    1. Thanks Sneh! Exactly, he’s been the most cool captain and Indian team had seen quite a lot of revolution under him. Thanks for your visit here. Had read a couple of posts in Pixels in life before. Happy to connect!

  2. Arnab Goswami, is utter disgrace as a media personality. Believe you me, this guy has some myths about himself and a huge mountainous attitude. He worships TRPs, and makes them climb higher even at the cost of diving to petty depths. Has he ever picked up a cricket bat and faced a fast bowler at 100mph? He would bunch out in his knickers, if he did. Shameful journalism.

    Nice article Nandini

  3. Arnab, the man on telly, is none but an embodiment of a typical angry, young,restless, impulsive, impatient Indian in him. He plays to the crowd, takes up the latest fad, rakes up emotions. His newshour is the friday evening movie for the day. Just like India has a version of secularism, Arnab has his own brand of journalism; either you love him for that or hate him, but you cannot turn him off.

  4. Great post Nandini and I like your take here.
    I also appreciate the fact that Indian team played well and lost just one match which was the most crucial one. But would you agree that they played their best game in the last match? I just felt that Indian team gave up before they lost the match. The NZ-SA match was such an awesome match that I would have loved our team to put up a great fight and then lose. I am not against losing but what hurt me the most was a not so good and well prepared game.
    We were not at all shamed in Sydney!

    1. Thanks Parul.
      Of course, none would have expected virat to walk away that quick. We could have pulled up if we has saved wickets. Ironically, they’d put a good fight in all other matches and finals went totally unexpected. I agree to your thoughts.

  5. Guys there is no point bashing Times n** or Ar** …. because the more we talk its more publicity for them. In today’s world publicity for wrong reason is also TRP.. If we need to really do something… then we need to think of a campaign sort of… like start sending flowers or messages to Time n** …GET WELL ARN*** or GET BRAINS AR**** ….. START LEARNING JOURNALISM ARN***

    that will atleast make some brains within TIme No*** to think otherwise on what they are doing… NOISE POLLUTION NEWS Channel

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