Different is Beautiful!

With the money I earn, I usually spend for something that MY mom likes to have, for what MY son needs for his comfort, to gift something to MY husband, cute things for MY nieces, a little something for MY home, MY friends and occasionally for ME as well. The only time I think to spend my earnings out of the MY-ME reason is when I receive the first pay from a new job, mostly for charity. When I did that this month, I got a feedback call from the organization. Among the n survey questions they had put to me, one hit me hard at my heart:

‘Most of the middle class people say they don’t earn enough to donate for a charitable cause. How far do you think it is true?’

Well, the first line of this post has the answer!

There are yet other people who have the money and willingness but do not get to find a worthy place for their money. Nobody exactly knows if the donated amount reaches the needy. This BIG question holds back many. And most of us are not aware of real worthy places. When the survey personnel asked me about the NGOs I am aware of, I couldn’t think of more than two even after digging my mind deep.

How sad that several noble NGOs and organizations go unnoticed! In continuation to my Small Deeds Great Needs blog post category, I intend to discover and bring to readers’ notice such organizations. The first one is here:

Do right, an initiative by Tata Capital

From Dharamsala to Guwahati, they travel to the farthest corners of the country. They witness the lives of the people in this country. They think of ways to brighten many of such lives that need a hand. They explain all about it through what they call as Half Stories. And it is up to us to support these half stories! It’s not just about money. ‘Whether it’s by donating or by sharing, reposting, and forwarding. Or by getting involved, inspired or just staying connected. We need your full support to complete these Half Stories.’ is what they ask for.

Read about their half story at Mumbai to get an idea of what they exactly do.

Koshish is a school in Mumbai for the deaf and mute kids. Pankaj from Do right made an effort to train students at the school in photography. Understanding their amazing potentials, Do right decided to donate two cameras to the school, which might form a platform to budding photographers among the children. Rs.31,500 needed for this purpose has been raised successfully and thus this half story got completed.

Different is Beautiful

Several such half stories get posted regularly at their website, Facebook and Twitter pages. Donate as much as you can. Even otherwise, connect with them and spread the word as far as you can.

If you wish to spread a word about a trusted NGO or charitable organization in this blog, please send a message to nandhini.pfs@gmail.com

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