Is it all an Illusion?


Does it exist? Probably it does! How else the strangers till yesterday, begin to find meaning in each other today?


What dictates who gets attracted to whom? Is it as simple as a magnet to define it’s poles. No. Probably it is beyond logic!


How is it felt even when untold? Are the heart murmurs louder than the spoken words? Probably yes!

Or is it all an illusion?

 Could be. Why else does the longings remain even after love has faded away?

It’s destiny which turns the illusion of attraction into the reality of love!!

(Thanks to Vyankatesh for leaving this comment)

Thanks for watching the video. In case the video doesn’t open, check the content below).

(Is it all an illusion is an oil painting on canvas)

There wasn’t a  jerk

There wasn’t a  flash of light

There wasn’t a skipping of their heart beats

There wasn’t an angel whispering into their ears

On that day destined for them to meet.

Or may be ‘destiny’ is an illusion!

But something pulling her,

From his direction all the time.

And her eyes had to follow him every time,

Scanning his being,

Again and again.

And his eyes silently pulled too.

Or may be ‘pulling’ is an illusion!

As her eyes closed,

He smiled through her lips

And saw through her eyes –

A void being held tightly,

For him to fill and easy

Or may be ‘closed eyes’ is an illusion!

When there is nothing left for her to speak

Nothing left for him to speak

And only silence remains,

They speak everything.

Or may be ‘silence’ is an illusion!

If it all were an illusion,

Why does she pray to

turn the illusions to reality?

When time and space brings them

On the same path to travel,

Why doesn’t their hearts and minds?

Note: The whole content including the video, the painting and the poetry is an original work of the author. Any kind of reproduction from this post or elsewhere in the blog needs to be informed to the author.


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http://pagesfrom by Nandhini Chandrasekaran is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

0 Replies to “Is it all an Illusion?”

  1. Hi Nandhini

    Nice work 🙂 I thought u only write stories, dint even think of poems 🙂 Very short and sweet poem… 🙂 very much true and a big illusion too sometimes 🙂


    Shwetha J

  2. DELIGHTFUL!!! Is all I can say!

    The question at end of the poem, “Why doesn’t their hearts and minds?”,answer by me, would be : there are many obstacles in way for the loved ones to be together.

    If destined to meet, they will! Now or sometime later, but will!

    1. //there are many obstacles in way for the loved ones to be together//

      A sad truth! Especially with the context of Indian culture, its a difficult choice to many of the youngsters these days to make between abiding cultural norms and fulfilling desires’ call.

      //If destined to meet, they will! Now or sometime later, but will!//

      Destiny, a big mystery again. Never lets us know until the right moment for which we need to wait patiently, even if it for years.

      Thanks for your time! Good wishes!

  3. I enjoyed reading your verse here nandini the dilemma that you have had posted in your thoughts here… I liked the simple way you brought out the desire, the needs and being within each other through the smile, seeing and being in each others physical being…
    The question that you have raised in the last … about the heart and mind is a good question but then i think the answer also lies within… the question too….
    I liked reading this one.


    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya
    At Twitter @VerseEveryDay

    1. // i think the answer also lies within… the question too//

      That was a different take 🙂 Appreciate it. And if only we could listen to that inner thing, there will be no question of uncertainties in life 🙁

      Njoyed your Haiku lines as well.

      Heart-felt thanks for your time and message. Good wishes!

    1. Once in a blue moon, a one-liner comment from you. Thanks!

      When this bog stats showed 499 comments, I was anticipating who’s going to scribble that 500th comment and you did that 😉

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