Small Deed #5

 Read Small Deed# 4


How about a little thoughtful deed for your mom today? As you read these lines, pick up your phone, dial your mom and  compliment her – for what? You don’t have to think hard. Be it even for the curd rice you had in class 4, just do it!

 I was walking through my office aisle. I know I was nice to most others – appreciating a colleague’s vesture, my boss’ photography skills. And as I sat down for my work, I tried to recollect my mom’s saree colour that she had on her in the morning when I had left home. ????????? I can remember many of her saree prints and designs but not of the one that she was wearing today. As any other day, I haven’t taken a note of it today as well.


Guys, many days and years have passed for many of us this way.  So familiar, so near and so dear – S0 sooooooooooo much taken for granted too! It’s not bad, it’s ok. In Indian families, we seldom take note and exchange silent emotions within intimate relations. And it has been this way for many centuries and it has proved beautiful too.   

However, occasionally, when totally unexpected, complimenting your mother is a lovely act. You can see the last pictures you had taken with her and tell her how beautiful she appears. You can remember the sweet she had made for you the last time you visited home and tell her how fond you are of that. You can remember any silly thing you had done as a child and tell her how you wonder her patience. If you can’t think of anything at all, tell her you read this small deed here, that you wanted to compliment her and that you didn’t know what to tell her now. Don’t expect her to cry liters and roll on the floor emotionally. Most likely, she might tell you you’ve gone nuts. It’s ok. May be after the call, when she returns to her kitchen, a long-forgotten, favourite hum might come on her lips. You might not be there to see it. It’s ok.

If your family is not used to such open appreciations and phrases of love, try once this time. A small step, indeed, can bridge a huge gap!

Compliments. Appreciations. Thankfulness.

The endowment or deprivation of these significantly shape the course of a relationship or a bonding. Well, it need not be always words of praises and emotional hugs and kisses out of gratitude. It could be a gentle smile, an understanding touch or a glance of acknowledgement.


You haven’t dialed yet?


Wishing you all many such moments drenched in warm appreciations!!!


P.S. Anything you think can be added here, please leave a comment or an email. It could be anything from removing waste from roadside to donating blood. Your suggestion will bear you a virtue and an acknowledgement in a new post.


Photo Courtesy –

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