Children's Collectibles: How Collectibles matter to Children! - Pages From Serendipity
Children's collectibles are more an extension of themselves. To children, discovering something that's unusual is interesting. Small things that we normally don't use at home are intriguing for them. The thought of a potential use they can associate with the newly-found thing is highly exciting for them. A shiny stone my boy found in the park sand area immediately sent a spark in his brain to use it as a diamond in his pirate play. How exciting an idea - for him! To us, children's collectibles may not always carry meaning. But to them, it is an interesting part of their childhood. It satiates their need to constantly explore something. If you can remember bragging to your classmate as a child, about the goli your dad gave you after opening the soda bottle years before, you will relate to what it feels to a child who is anxious to announce to his friend the latest lego figurine he added to his lego men collection.
Nandhini Chandrasekaran