I’ve mentioned Ma here and there and at so many places across blog posts in Pages from Serendipity. As how her role in my life is omnipresent, so it is in my writings. However, here is a unique post dedicated for her on this memorable Mother’s Day. A mother’s presence in one’s life is as vast as the sky with innumerable stars of memories in it. Here are a few of the most memorable stars from the depth of my subconsciousness:
Almost all my ‘firsts’ of life will have mom behind me. I remember my first school. It was a little far from home. Mom used to take me on walk to drop me everyday at school though most of the times, she would end up carrying me with my bags. She used to tell me imaginary stories about unknown people on the road to keep me engaged till we reach school. That was the first time, I began to imagine. Each of her stories would create vivid motion pictures in front of my eyes. Some of her stories were joyful, some sad and some funny. And thus emotions were added to my imaginations. I consider imagination to be a significant process in my development. Be it writing or painting, it’s always my imagination that has added fuel to my skills. And it was mom who first incited it during my early walks with her.
I remember the first book I read. It was about a group of children who create a snow man at their backyard during their Christmas holidays. We didn’t have several children’s books those times. But with whatever books we had at home, mom would read out to us and explain what the characters speak, usually when we go to bed. Most of the times, even before she completed, we would have dozed off. But that’s how books began to interest me. Today, as a serious book reviewer, when I recollect my earliest memories of book reading, it’s those bed time stories of mom that stands out.
The first time I learnt to ride a bi-cycle seems a miracle now. It fascinated me to see other children ride their cycles like heroes on the road. We haven’t bought one yet at that time. Mom took me to a cycle lending shop and picked a cycle for 50p per hour. That was the first time, I had my hands on the handle bar of a cycle. Though it was several days before I could ride by myself, she ran along with me day after day to make the miracle come true.
And it will be a never-ending of many other ‘firsts’ of my life! Even after becoming a mother, I still turn to my mom for everything silly and important, from cooking to nappy change, she’s simply been my first expert for just everything!
Thanks to Godrej Expert. Sometimes we need inspirations to write about the most special relationships. You were one today!
Photo Courtesy: http://picsora.com/
Beautiful. Mom, was and always will be our first expert…
True. And we will have a life full of memories to cherish about.